Snowshoe Kittens for Sale in PA: Find Your Perfect Companion

Snowshoe Kittens for Sale in PA, Are you searching for the perfect feline companion? Look no further than snowshoe kittens for sale in PA! These unique and beautiful creatures are bound to steal your heart with their distinctive markings and friendly nature.

Originating right here in the United States, snowshoe kittens have become a sought-after breed. Their adorable white paws resembling snowshoes give them their name, making them even more irresistible. These charming little bundles of joy are a cross between Siamese and American Shorthair cats, resulting in a delightful combination of traits.

Whether you’re an individual seeking a loyal companion or a family looking to add some feline love to your home, snowshoe kittens are an excellent choice. Their affectionate nature and playful personalities make them wonderful companions for people of all ages.

There are reputable registered catteries across the state where you can find healthy and well-cared-for snowshoe kittens. These catteries ensure that these precious little ones receive the best care possible from birth until they find their forever homes.

So why wait? If you’re ready to experience the joy of having a snowshoe kitten as part of your family, explore the available options in Pennsylvania today. Get ready to welcome an adorable bundle of fur with those enchanting white paws into your life!

Snowshoe Kittens for Sale in PA

Snowshoe Kittens for Sale in PA: Cost and Availability:

If you’re on the hunt for adorable snowshoe kittens in Pennsylvania, it’s essential to be aware of the cost and availability factors. The price of these delightful felines can vary depending on several aspects, including the reputation of the breeder, lineage, and demand. Let’s dive into more details about the cost and availability of snowshoe kittens in PA.

Cost Factors to Consider

The cost can range from $500 to $1500. However, it’s important to note that there may be exceptional cases where prices exceed this range. Several factors contribute to these varying costs.

1. Breeder Reputation: Reputable breeders who have established themselves within the cat breeding community often charge higher prices for their snowshoe kittens. Their expertise, experience, and commitment to producing healthy and well-socialized kittens justify the premium they command.

2. Lineage: The lineage of a snowshoe kitten plays a significant role in determining its price. Kittens with champion bloodlines or those descended from award-winning parents tend to be more expensive due to their desirable genetic traits.

3. Demand: Like any commodity, supply and demand dynamics influence pricing. If there is high demand for snowshoe kittens at a particular time or if they are relatively scarce in a specific region, breeders may increase their prices accordingly.

While considering the cost of a snowshoe kitten is crucial, it’s equally important not to compromise on quality or ethical breeding practices just for a lower price tag. Opting for reputable breeders ensures that you receive a healthy kitten with proper documentation of health checks and vaccinations.

Availability Throughout the Year

The availability of snowshoe kittens may fluctuate throughout different times of the year in Pennsylvania. It’s advisable to directly contact breeders to inquire about the current availability. By reaching out, you can gather up-to-date information on litters, waiting lists, and future planned breedings.

Breeders often have limited numbers of kittens available at any given time due to the careful planning and dedication required for responsible breeding. Snowshoe kittens are a unique breed, and their popularity may contribute to occasional scarcity. However, with patience and persistence, you can find a reputable breeder who will match you with your perfect snowshoe companion.

Considerations When Purchasing a Snowshoe Kitten

When contemplating buying a snowshoe kitten in Pennsylvania, it’s essential to consider both the cost and the long-term commitment involved. Here are some additional factors worth pondering:

1. Financial Responsibility: Owning a pet comes with financial responsibilities beyond the initial purchase price. You’ll need to budget for ongoing expenses such as food, litter, toys, grooming supplies, veterinary care, vaccinations, and potential emergencies.

2. Time and Attention: Snowshoe kittens thrive on human interaction and require regular playtime and socialization. They are known for their affectionate nature and enjoy being part of family activities.

3. Space Requirements: Snowshoes are active cats that appreciate having enough space to explore and play. Ensure you have an environment suitable for their needs before bringing one home.

By carefully considering these aspects alongside the cost of purchasing a snowshoe kitten in PA, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your lifestyle and resources.

Snowshoe Kittens for Sale in PA


Where to Find Snowshoe Cat Breeders in Pennsylvania:

If you’re on the hunt for snowshoe kittens for sale in PA, you’re in luck! Pennsylvania is home to several reputable snowshoe cat breeders who specialize in these adorable felines. Whether you prefer to search online or attend local cat shows, there are plenty of avenues to explore when looking for a snowshoe companion. Let’s dive into some tips on where and how to find these breeders near you.

Online Platforms: Websites and Social Media

In this digital age, the internet has become an invaluable resource for finding just about anything – including snowshoe cat breeders. Many reputable breeders have their own websites where they showcase their available kittens and provide information about their breeding programs. These websites often include details about the breeder’s experience, health guarantees, and testimonials from previous customers.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have also become popular tools for connecting with breeders. Many breeders maintain active social media profiles where they share updates on their cats and upcoming litters. By following or joining relevant groups and pages dedicated to snowshoe cats or cat enthusiasts in your area, you can stay updated on any announcements from local breeders.

Local Cat Shows and Exhibitions

Attending local cat shows or exhibitions can be an excellent way to meet reputable snowshoe cat breeders face-to-face. These events often feature a variety of breeds, including snowshoes, allowing you to interact with both the cats and the breeders themselves. You can observe the temperament and physical traits of different snowshoe cats firsthand while having the opportunity to ask questions directly to knowledgeable breeders.

At these shows, reputable breeders will typically have booths set up where they showcase their cats and provide information about their breeding practices. It’s important to keep in mind that not all exhibitors may have kittens available at the time of the show, but they can provide you with valuable insights and potentially refer you to other breeders who may have available kittens.

Connecting with Regional Cat Clubs or Associations

Another effective way to find snowshoe cat breeders in Pennsylvania is by connecting with regional cat clubs or associations. These organizations often have members who are dedicated to specific breeds, including snowshoes. By joining these clubs or attending their events, you can network with experienced breeders who are passionate about maintaining the health and well-being of their cats.

Cat clubs and associations frequently organize educational seminars, workshops, and even breeder directories that can help you locate reputable snowshoe breeders near you. By engaging with these communities, you not only gain access to a wealth of knowledge but also increase your chances of finding a responsible breeder who prioritizes the health and happiness of their cats.

Ensuring the Health and Well-being of Snowshoe Cats

When searching for a snowshoe cat breeder in Pennsylvania, it’s crucial to prioritize the health and well-being of these felines. Responsible breeders will take great care in breeding healthy cats by conducting necessary health screenings for genetic diseases commonly found in the breed. They will also provide proper veterinary care, appropriate socialization, and a clean living environment for their cats.

To ensure that you’re dealing with a reputable breeder, ask questions about their breeding practices, such as how often they breed their cats and if they allow sufficient time between litters for the mother to recover. A good breeder will be transparent about any potential health issues within the breed and should willingly share information about the lineage of their cats.

Tips for Choosing the Right Snowshoe Kitten:

Consider your lifestyle and preferences when selecting a snowshoe kitten – each has its own personality traits!

It’s important to take into account your own lifestyle and preferences. These adorable felines have their unique personalities, so finding the right match for you is essential. Are you an active individual who enjoys playtime with your furry friend? Or do you prefer a more laid-back companion who loves snuggling on the couch? Understanding what type of personality traits you desire in a snowshoe kitten will help guide you towards making the best choice.

If you lead an active lifestyle and want a playful and energetic companion, look for a snowshoe kitten that exhibits these characteristics. Observe their behavior during interactions with other kittens or toys. Do they eagerly chase after toys or engage in playful wrestling matches? These are signs of an active and lively temperament. On the other hand, if you prefer a more relaxed and calm companion, seek out a kitten that shows signs of being content lounging around or enjoying gentle play.

Look for a kitten that appears healthy, with bright eyes, a shiny coat, and good energy levels.

When searching for your new furry family member, it’s crucial to prioritize their health. A healthy snowshoe kitten will have bright, clear eyes that sparkle with curiosity. Their coat should be lustrous and free from any signs of matting or dullness. A shiny coat indicates good overall health and proper grooming habits.

Pay attention to the energy levels of the kittens you are considering. While some variation in energy levels is normal among kittens, avoid selecting one that appears excessively lethargic or overly hyperactive. Aim for a balance where the kitten displays enthusiasm during playtime but can also relax comfortably when needed.

Spend time interacting with the kittens to gauge their temperament and compatibility with your family.

In order to truly understand a snowshoe kitten’s temperament, it is essential to spend quality time interacting with them. Arrange a visit to the breeder or shelter and observe how the kittens behave in their environment. Do they approach you with curiosity and playfulness? Or are they more reserved and cautious? Take note of their reactions when you engage them in various activities, such as petting or playing with toys.

Furthermore, consider the compatibility of the kitten with your family members. If you have children or other pets at home, introduce them to potential kittens during your visit. Observe how the kitten interacts with others and whether they seem comfortable and at ease. It’s important to choose a snowshoe kitten that will fit well into your family dynamic.

Ask the breeder about the kitten’s socialization process and if they have been exposed to different environments.

When selecting a snowshoe kitten, it’s crucial to gather information about their socialization process. A well-socialized kitten will adapt more easily to new environments and experiences throughout their life. Ask the breeder about any efforts made in exposing the kittens to different people, sounds, and situations during their early development stages.

A reputable breeder will ensure that their kittens have been introduced gradually to various stimuli, helping them become confident and adaptable companions. This exposure can include interactions with different individuals, handling by humans from an early age, exposure to common household noises, and even brief outings outside of their immediate surroundings. By choosing a snowshoe kitten that has undergone proper socialization, you can help ensure a smoother transition into your home.

Ensure the breeder provides proper documentation, including health records and registration papers.

Before finalizing your decision on a snowshoe kitten, make sure that the breeder provides all necessary documentation. This includes health records detailing vaccinations received by each individual kitten. Vaccinations are crucial for protecting against common feline diseases and ensuring the overall well-being of your new companion.

Inquire about registration papers. These documents certify the pedigree and lineage of the snowshoe kitten, providing assurance that you are acquiring a genuine breed specimen. Reputable breeders will readily provide these documents, as they take pride in their kittens’ heritage.

By obtaining all required documentation, you can have peace of mind knowing that your snowshoe kitten has received proper care and comes from a reputable source.

Snowshoe Kittens vs. Adult Cats: Pros and Cons:

Energetic and Playful Kittens

Snowshoe kittens are known for their high energy levels and playful nature. They have an abundance of curiosity, always exploring their surroundings with boundless enthusiasm. Playing with toys, chasing after imaginary prey, and climbing up furniture are just a few examples of the endless entertainment they provide.

Their energetic nature can be both adorable and exhausting at times. While it’s delightful to watch them pounce on anything that moves, it also means they require your attention and engagement throughout the day. Keeping up with their playfulness is essential to ensure they get the exercise they need to stay healthy and happy.

Settled and Calm Adult Cats

On the other hand, adult snowshoe cats tend to be more settled and calm compared to their kitten counterparts. They have already passed through the hyperactive phase of kittenhood and have developed a more relaxed demeanor. This makes them ideal companions for individuals who prefer a quieter household or those who lead busy lives.

Adult cats often enjoy spending time lounging around, observing their surroundings from a comfortable spot. Their mellow disposition allows them to adapt well to various living environments without requiring constant supervision or interaction.

Training Requirements

When considering whether to adopt a snowshoe kitten or an adult cat, it’s important to take into account the training requirements involved. Kittens generally require more time for training and supervision compared to adult cats who have usually already mastered litter box usage.

Kittens need guidance in learning appropriate behaviors such as using scratching posts instead of furniture or understanding boundaries in terms of what is acceptable play behavior. This training process requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement techniques.

In contrast, adult snowshoe cats typically come pre-trained in basic manners due to their previous experiences in different households or shelters. They understand how to use litter boxes effectively and are more likely to have a grasp of what is considered appropriate behavior in a home environment.

Established Personalities

One advantage of adopting an adult snowshoe cat is that they often come with established personalities. This means you can get a sense of their temperament and characteristics before bringing them into your home. By interacting with the adult cat, you can determine if their personality aligns well with your lifestyle and preferences.

On the other hand, when adopting a snowshoe kitten, their personality traits are still developing. While this presents an opportunity for long-term bonding as you raise them from a young age, it also means there’s some uncertainty regarding their ultimate temperament and behavior. However, many owners find joy in watching their kittens grow and witnessing their unique personalities emerge over time.

Lifestyle Preferences

When deciding between a snowshoe kitten or an adult cat, it’s crucial to consider your lifestyle preferences. Kittens require more time and attention due to their higher energy levels and training needs. If you have the availability to dedicate ample time for play sessions, training, and socialization, then a kitten may be the perfect fit for you.

However, if you lead a busy life or prefer a more laid-back companion who requires less hands-on care, an adult snowshoe cat might be better suited to your lifestyle. They can provide companionship without demanding constant engagement or supervision.

How to Care for a Snowshoe Kitten:

Feeding your Snowshoe Kitten

It’s important to provide them with a balanced diet of high-quality cat food specifically formulated for kittens. Kittens have different nutritional needs compared to adult cats, so make sure you choose a food that is designed to support their growth and development.

Opt for wet or dry cat food that contains a good balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Look for ingredients like chicken or fish as the main protein source. Avoid foods that contain fillers or artificial additives. It’s also essential to ensure your kitten has access to fresh water at all times.

Regular Grooming for Your Snowshoe Kitten

Snowshoe kittens have beautiful coats that require regular grooming to keep them looking their best. Brushing your kitten’s coat not only helps remove loose hair but also prevents matting and hairballs. Use a soft brush or comb specifically designed for cats and gently run it through their fur in the direction of hair growth.

Not only does grooming help maintain their coat’s health, but it also provides an opportunity for bonding with your furry friend. Make sure you create a calm and comfortable environment during grooming sessions, rewarding your kitten with treats or praise afterwards.

Creating a Safe Indoor Environment

To ensure the well-being of your snowshoe kitten, it’s crucial to create a safe indoor environment that meets their physical and mental needs. Provide scratching posts made of sisal or cardboard to satisfy their natural urge to scratch and prevent them from damaging furniture.

Toys are essential for keeping your snowshoe kitten entertained and mentally stimulated. Choose toys that encourage active play, such as interactive puzzles or feather wands. Consider providing climbing structures like cat trees or shelves where they can climb and explore.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are vital to monitor your snowshoe kitten’s health from an early age. Schedule appointments with a trusted veterinarian who can provide necessary vaccinations, perform routine examinations, and address any concerns you may have.

These check-ups allow the vet to detect and prevent potential health issues before they become serious problems. They can also offer guidance on preventive measures such as flea and tick control, dental care, and spaying or neutering.

Litter Training Your Snowshoe Kitten

Litter training is an essential aspect of caring for your snowshoe kitten. Start by providing a litter box filled with unscented clumping litter. Show them where the litter box is located and gently place them inside after meals or naps.

Observe their behavior closely, as kittens often give signs that they need to relieve themselves. If you notice any accidents outside the litter box, clean it up without scolding your kitten. Positive reinforcement is key during this process – praise them when they use the litter box correctly.

Snowshoe Kittens: Personality and Temperament

Snowshoe kittens, also known as snowshoe cats, are beloved for their charming personality and unique temperament. These adorable felines possess a combination of traits that make them wonderful companions for cat lovers. From their affectionate nature to their sociability with other pets, there are many reasons why snowshoe kittens are highly sought after.

Affectionate Nature and Bonding

One of the standout characteristics of snowshoe kittens is their affectionate nature towards their owners. These little bundles of joy have a knack for seeking attention from their human companions. Whether it’s through gentle nudges or purring loudly in contentment, they never miss an opportunity to show how much they care.

Snowshoes are known for forming strong bonds with their owners. While they may initially be shy around strangers, they quickly warm up to new surroundings once they feel comfortable and secure. This makes them an ideal choice for individuals or families looking for a loving and loyal companion.

Intelligence and Curiosity

Snowshoe kittens possess both intelligence and curiosity in abundance. Their sharp minds combined with an insatiable desire to explore make them quick learners who thrive on interactive play and mental stimulation. Engaging these kittens in puzzle toys or providing them with scratching posts can help keep their curious minds occupied while satisfying their natural instincts.

Their intelligence also makes training relatively easy compared to some other cat breeds. Snowshoes can learn tricks, respond to commands, and even walk on a leash if introduced properly from a young age. This opens up opportunities for enriching activities that strengthen the bond between owner and pet.

Sociability with Other Pets

If you already have furry friends at home, rest assured that snowshoe kittens can get along well with other pets when introduced properly. Whether you have dogs or other cats, these sociable felines tend to adapt well to multi-pet households. Their friendly and amiable nature allows them to form harmonious relationships with their animal companions.

To ensure a smooth introduction, it’s important to give the new kitten and existing pets time to adjust. Gradual introductions, scent swapping, and supervised interactions can help establish positive associations between the animals. With patience and proper guidance, your snowshoe kitten will soon be playing and cuddling with their new furry friends.

Vocal Communication

Snowshoe kittens are known for their vocal nature. They love to communicate with their owners through soft meows or trills, expressing their needs, and desires, or simply seeking attention. This interactive communication adds an extra layer of charm to these already endearing felines.

Their Siamese heritage contributes to their talkative nature as both the Snowshoe and Siamese cat breeds share a common ancestry. If you enjoy conversing with your pet or having a little companion who always has something to say, then a snowshoe kitten might be the perfect addition to your household.

Health Considerations for Snowshoe Cats in PA:

Snowshoe cats are generally healthy but can be prone to certain genetic health issues such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor their overall health and detect any potential issues early on.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

To ensure the well-being of your snowshoe cat, it is crucial to schedule regular veterinary check-ups. These visits allow the vet to assess their overall health, identify any potential health concerns, and provide necessary vaccinations. During these appointments, the veterinarian will conduct a thorough examination, including checking their heart for signs of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and examining their eyes for any signs of progressive retinal atrophy.

Regular check-ups also enable the vet to establish a baseline for your snowshoe cat’s health. By monitoring their weight, blood pressure, and other vital indicators over time, any deviations from the norm can be detected promptly. Early detection of health issues allows for timely intervention and treatment options that may prevent further complications down the line.

Balanced Diet, Exercise, and Stress-free Environment

Proper care plays a significant role in maintaining the health of your snowshoe cat. Providing them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs is essential. Consult with your veterinarian to determine an appropriate diet plan tailored specifically for your snowshoe cat’s age, weight, and activity level.

In addition to nutrition, regular exercise is crucial for keeping your snowshoe cat fit and healthy. Engage them in interactive play sessions using toys or provide scratching posts and climbing structures to encourage physical activity. Exercise not only helps maintain a healthy weight but also provides mental stimulation.

Creating a stress-free environment is equally important for the well-being of your snowshoe cat. Minimize exposure to loud noises or sudden changes in routine that may cause anxiety or stress. Provide them with a quiet and comfortable space where they can retreat when they need some downtime. A stress-free environment contributes to their overall health and helps prevent the development of certain health issues.


Keeping your snowshoe cat’s vaccinations up-to-date is crucial for protecting them against common feline diseases. Consult with your veterinarian to establish a vaccination schedule that aligns with your specific needs. Core vaccinations, such as those for rabies and feline distemper, are typically recommended for all cats. Non-core vaccinations may be suggested based on their lifestyle and potential exposure to certain diseases.

Vaccinations not only protect your snowshoe cat but also contribute to the overall well-being of the feline community in Pennsylvania. By ensuring your cat is vaccinated, you help prevent the spread of contagious diseases among other cats they may come into contact with.

Choosing a Reputable Breeder

When considering purchasing or adopting a snowshoe kitten in PA, it’s important to choose a reputable breeder who conducts appropriate health screenings on their breeding cats. Responsible breeders prioritize the health and well-being of their kittens by ensuring that both parents undergo necessary genetic testing for conditions like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).

A reputable breeder will provide you with documentation of these health screenings, giving you peace of mind knowing that your snowshoe kitten has been bred from healthy parents. They will also offer support and guidance throughout your journey as a new cat owner, answering any questions you may have regarding care, nutrition, or any potential health concerns.

Snowshoe Cat Adoption: What You Need to Know:

If you’re considering adding a furry friend to your family, adopting a snowshoe cat is a wonderful option. Not only will you be providing a loving home for a cat in need, but you’ll also get the opportunity to experience the joy and companionship that these beautiful creatures bring.

Local Shelters and Rescue Organizations

Your local animal shelters or rescue organizations can be great resources. While it may not be as common as finding other breeds, there are occasions when these adorable felines end up in shelters and are looking for their forever homes. Keep in mind that availability can vary depending on your location, so it’s worth checking with multiple shelters or rescues in your area.

The Adoption Process

Adopting any pet involves going through an application and screening process to ensure that both the animal and potential adopter are well-matched. Snowshoe cat adoption is no exception. When you find a snowshoe cat available for adoption, you will typically need to fill out an application form provided by the shelter or rescue organization. This application helps them understand more about you and your lifestyle to determine if you would make a suitable owner for one of their cats.

After submitting your application, there may be additional steps involved before finalizing the adoption. These steps can include reference checks, home visits (either virtual or in-person), and interviews with shelter staff or volunteers. While this process may seem thorough at times, it is designed with the best interests of both the cats and potential adopters in mind.

In some cases, there might be an adoption fee associated with bringing home a snowshoe cat. This fee often helps cover the costs of vaccinations, spaying or neutering, microchipping, and other medical treatments that the cat may have received while in the shelter’s care. Remember that this fee is an investment in your new companion’s well-being and ensures that they are healthy and ready to join their new family.

The Benefits of Adopting an Adult Snowshoe Cat

While kittens are undeniably adorable, adopting an adult snowshoe cat offers its own set of advantages. By skipping the kitten stage, you can avoid the challenges that come with raising a young cat, such as litter training and dealing with endless energy bursts. Adult cats have already developed their personalities, so you’ll have a better idea of their temperament and whether they will fit well into your household.

Moreover, by choosing to adopt rather than buying from breeders or pet stores, you give a deserving snowshoe cat the opportunity for a second chance at happiness. Many adult cats end up in shelters due to unforeseen circumstances like changes in their previous owners’ lives or allergies within the family. By providing them with a loving home, you become their hero and make space for another needy cat to find refuge at the shelter.

Training Your Snowshoe Kitten: Tips and Tricks:

Training your snowshoe kitten can be a fun and rewarding experience. These intelligent and playful cats are quick learners, making them relatively easy to train. Whether you’re teaching them basic commands or more advanced tricks, here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Start early: Begin training your snowshoe kitten as soon as you bring them home. The earlier you start, the easier it will be for them to learn and adapt to new behaviors.

  • Use positive reinforcement: Snowshoe kittens respond well to positive reinforcement techniques. Rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, or playtime will motivate them to continue learning.

  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when training your snowshoe kitten. Use the same commands and cues consistently so they can understand what is expected of them.

  • Keep sessions short: Kittens have short attention spans, so keep training sessions brief and engaging. Aim for multiple short sessions throughout the day rather than one long session.

  • Focus on socialization: In addition to basic commands, it’s important to socialize your snowshoe kitten from an early age. Expose them to different people, animals, and environments to ensure they grow up confident and well-adjusted.

  • Seek professional help if needed: If you’re having difficulty with training or need guidance on specific behaviors, consider seeking help from a professional cat trainer or behaviorist who specializes in working with kittens.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to successfully training your snowshoe kitten and creating a strong bond with them.


Can I train my snowshoe kitten like a dog?

Yes! Snowshoe kittens are highly trainable just like dogs. They can learn basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and even perform tricks with proper training techniques.

How long does it take to train a snowshoe kitten?

The duration of training can vary depending on the individual kitten and the complexity of the behaviors being taught. However, with consistent training and positive reinforcement, you can expect to see progress within a few weeks to a couple of months.

Are snowshoe kittens easy to potty train?

Snowshoe kittens are generally quick learners. With proper guidance and consistency, they can be successfully potty trained within a few weeks.

Can I train my snowshoe kitten not to scratch furniture?

Yes, you can train your snowshoe kitten not to scratch furniture by providing them with appropriate scratching posts or boards and redirecting their behavior whenever they attempt to scratch furniture. Positive reinforcement techniques can also be used to encourage them to use designated scratching areas.

Should I use punishment-based methods for training my snowshoe kitten?

No, punishment-based methods should be avoided when training your snowshoe kitten. Positive reinforcement is more effective and helps build trust and a stronger bond between you and your kitten.